2020 Thanksgiving at Myrtle Beach

For Thanksgiving 2020, we loaded up our reliable car and took the family to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, to spend a few days with my mother, her husband, and my sister. Thanks to everyone’s work schedules, we left Tuesday night and arrived early on Wednesday morning. A quick wakeup found sand between our toes as the sun rose and the waves crashed around us. I love sunrises, and even though I have taken hundred of pictures of the ocean and sunrises, I still take more, even they all look about the same!

We gathered seashells and shark’s teeth during our morning strolls. My sister and I went out most mornings, but my wife also joined me a couple of times. Most mornings were either cloudy or partly cloudy, but it was still good to be on the beach in the morning, usually with minimal people around. We saw a wedding one morning, a lady dancing with a hula hoop one morning, and families with small children. We watched sandpapers run towards the water, and then watched the waves chase them away.

On Thanksgiving Day, we cooked a traditional turkey dinner with Momma’s cornbread dressing, which is the absolute best! We stayed around the resort and ended up playing shuffleboard in the afternoon. It was a fun and relaxing day, talking and catching up with everyone.

Black Friday found us walking on the Marsh Walk at Murrell’s Inlet, SC, instead of shopping. It was fun to walk around while watching the boats come back from a day of fishing or sight-seeing. One the captain’s entertained us while filleting a mess of fish. Afterwards, we ended up eating at a seafood restaurant located on the Marsh Walk. The first time I heard of a triggerfish was a week ago, and I have heard of it at least five times since then – sounds like the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon is alive and well! Oh look, triggerfish is on the menu! I’ll have that, along with coleslaw.

Our reliable car would not start early Saturday morning. I contacted the resort’s maintenance crew, and they had a battery jumper. After jump starting the car, I drove it to Advanced Auto to test the battery. The test determined the battery was weak, so I bought a new one and had them replace it. This was not an ideal situation, but if it had to occur, this was probably about as good of a place to happen as any.

Saturday afternoon found us at a local outdoor mall with lots of areas for walking. I spent most of the time walking around outside. it was nice walking around the different neighborhoods. We ended up going back to the resort and eating leftovers from Thanksgiving Day, and they were just as good as they were when first cooked!

Sunday was more relaxing as I stayed around the resort while the ladies went shopping. I ended up meeting them later in the day after it started raining. We spent a little while in the mall and a couple of other stores before heading back to pack and eat a light supper using the remainder of our leftovers. It was storming when we arrived back, but was only windy when we packed and loaded up the vehicles as we prepared for an early departure the next morning.

It was a good time to spend with family, but the time went by so fast. We checked out and said our goodbyes. My sister decided to eat breakfast with us, so we went to a local restaurant for breakfast. It was good and we departed shortly afterwards. Traffic was light and weather was cooperative. We arrived home before dark, unloaded the vehicle, and went for a walk. It was another good trip to the beach.